วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

How to delay ejaculation trainer.

In addition to training,  

        1. Every time bath wash in the evening. Bathed in warm water for five minutes to help the muscles relax and blood circulation. Or be immersed in warm water at a temperature of about 45 degrees Celsius also. When you start to feel comfortable. You hold your body enough stimulation to achieve a blood clot. Enough to grow up. Massage the muscle is about 5 minutes a day, it should be underlined that the massage. Rudolph is moved back and forth. And do not do any of this at all.

         2. Persistent practice controlled breathing - out. We are aware that the control and breath - out now. Practice breathing deeply and exhale slowly relax by practicing breathing using the diaphragm. The practice of breathing - slowly and deeply is meditation. And control the muscles involved in breathing. It is rooted in the practice of the other muscles involved in ejaculation anymore.The body should be strong. Adequate sleep. Exercise regularly. And eat a full squad.


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